Reproductive rights are human rights

Abortion is Healthcare

Access to safe abortions is essential for healthcare and is a pivotal part of your reproductive rights.


While legal in Canada, abortions can be difficult to access for those that need them. A combination of geographic location, cost, social taboos and anti-choice voices all create obstacles in getting information and access to reproductive healthcare.

We’re here to help - we’ve put together resources to help you 
learn about your options and get the care you need.
Abortions are common and clinically safe
Medication based or surgical, it’s a well studied procedure.

 A famous research paper, called the Turnaway Study, followed people who had an abortion to see what the affects were five years after the procedure. The main finding: receiving an abortion does not harm the health and wellbeing of the individual. In fact, being denied an abortion results in worse financial, health and family outcomes.


The study also disproved many common claims about the negative effects on the individual’s health – they were no more likely to have depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation. 95% of people reported that having the procedure done was the right decision for them.


In Canada, an estimated 1 in 3 people capable of pregnancy will have an abortion in their lifetime.

Why people consider abortion
It’s a deeply personal decision

Abortion is likely the most divisive medical procedure.

Women, and those with a uterus, decide to proceed with an abortion for a multitude of reasons:

  • they aren’t ready to have a baby
  • they are in an abusive/broken relationship
  • they have a medical condition
  • they’re experiencing an incomplete miscarriage
  • they are taking medication that would result in fetal growth issues
  • it would negatively affect their work or schooling
  • the fetus has issues non-compatible with life or with a low quality of life
  • their family is already complete with other children
  • they just don’t want a baby
  • and more

In the end, it doesn’t matter the reasoning. What is important, is that this is a deeply personal decision that only they can make.

Two types of abortions

Gestation, geography and medical history play a role

There are two main types of abortions: medical and surgical. The type eventually chosen will depend on how long the individual has been pregnant, geographic location, budget and medical history.

Both methods are very safe - fewer than 2% of people report complications which are often easy to treat with follow-up care.

Medical abortions

Medical abortions (sometimes called ‘self managed’) use two medications, to stop the pregnancy from continuing to develop and then trigger the uterus to empty, ending the pregnancy.

Surgical abortions

Surgical abortions are done by a trained medical professional in a clinical setting like a hospital or abortion clinic.

Need more info?
We can help.

We’ve compiled a list of the most common questions about abortions to help you understand your options, what the treatments include and aftercare help.


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