1 / 4 Questions
Do any of the following apply to your current situation? Select all that apply.
2 / 4 Questions
How would you describe your hair currently?
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What are you most concerned about?
4 / 4 Questions
What are your goals?
You’re eligible to enroll in the Jill Health Weight Loss program!
$50 $40 per month

Initial mandatory diagnostic test and consultation with our medical team to review your results. Also includes:

Intake and follow-up bloodwork and diagnostics
Monthly 30 minute consults with Registered Dietitian
Virtual, convenient appointments
Referrals to specialists when needed
Personalized planning and toolkits
Shipped for free to your door
What happens next?
Once you’ve checked out and created your account, you’ll need to complete our intake. It includes:

Then, our medical team will review and send you a requisition to be taken to your local lab for a blood draw.

Your results will be sent direct to us. We’ll call you, and if a prescription makes sense for your situation and biology, we’ll then ship out your medication.
Not ready to commit? Need more info? Join one of our upcoming info sessions.
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Traditional weight loss programs
(Weight Watchers®, Dr. Bernstein)
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from experts
Weekly content & resources
Medications authorized for sale by
Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
Trendy Diets
(Atkins, Whole 30,Paleo, keto)
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from experts
Weekly content & resources
Medications authorized for sale by
Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
On your own:
calorie counting
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from experts
Weekly content & resources
Medications authorized for sale by
Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
Previous slide
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Traditional weight loss programs
(Weight Watchers®, Dr. Bernstein)
Trendy Diets
(Atkins, Whole 30, Paleo, keto)
On your own:
calorie counting
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from experts
Weekly content & resources
Health Canada authorized medications
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
Real people, real results

“I’ve lost 30 lbs in the past two months. It’s really easy to inject (and doesn’t hurt) and it has completely curbed my cravings. Now I eat to fuel myself. Another 70 lbs to go but I’m feeling excited about my weight loss for the first time.”

- F.C.

”The program has stopped my bored snacking – I used to have trouble saying no to treats during the work day and after dinner. Now I’m better able to manage my appetite, and combined with starting to go to the gym and being more careful about what I eat at meals, I’m losing about one pound a week. I’m thinking this is the last diet I’m going to have to do. Hopefully ever.”

- E.S.
All done!
Looks as though you aren’t eligible for the Jill Health Weight Loss program

Based on current medical guidelines, our program isn’t a good fit for you.


We encourage you to join our waitlist for our future program: weight loss supplements, coaching and targeted dietary & exercise content to help you reach your weight goals.


Best of luck on your weight loss journey, we’re rooting for you!

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