Side Effect Solutions
Feel like you on your weight loss journey
Weight loss medications can be tough to adjust to, that's why we're tackling any medication side effects.

How are you feeling on your medication? Nausea, bloating, and constipation can all be reduced with simple treatments.
Complete our quiz to determine which side effects are most bothersome to you. We’ll use your answers to create the perfect kit for you.
Place your order and we’ll take care of the rest!
We'll ship out your kit with instructions on how to take and store properly.
"I've lost 30 lbs in the past two months. It's really easy to inject (and doesn't hurt) and it has completely curbed my cravings. Now I eat to fuel myself. Another 70 lbs to go but I'm feeling excited about my weight loss for the first time."
”The program has stopped my bored snacking - I used to have trouble saying no to treats during the work day and after dinner. Now I’m better able to manage my appetite, and combined with starting to go to the gym and being more careful about what I eat at meals, I’m losing about one pound a week. I’m thinking this is the last diet I’m going to have to do. Hopefully ever.”
"After struggling with weight loss my entire life, and not having a primary doctor I could speak with, I came across Jill Health online. After a short wait, I had my blood taken, results looked after, and an appointment to go over everything with their team. I am now at the beginning of a new journey to see if science (medication), a dedicated dietician, Read More and hard work will finally get me where I need to be.I have nothing but positive things to say about every interaction I have had with their team so far. I had a difficult time finding reviews when I was first looking into this company, so I wanted to make sure others looking at their weight loss program could find mine!"
“I’ve lost 30 lbs in the past two months. It’s really easy to inject (and doesn’t hurt) and it has completely curbed my cravings. Now I eat to fuel myself. Another 70 lbs to go but I’m feeling excited about my weight loss for the first time.”
”The program has stopped my bored snacking – I used to have trouble saying no to treats during the work day and after dinner. Now I’m better able to manage my appetite, and combined with starting to go to the gym and being more careful about what I eat at meals, I’m losing about one pound a week. I’m thinking this is the last diet I’m going to have to do. Hopefully ever.”
”After struggling with weight loss my entire life, and not having a primary doctor I could speak with, I came across Jill Health online. After a short wait, I had my blood taken, results looked after, and an appointment to go over everything with their team. I am now at the beginning of a new journey to see if science (medication), a dedicated dietician, and hard work will finally get me where I need to be.I have nothing but positive things to say about every interaction I have had with their team so far. I had a difficult time finding reviews when I was first looking into this company, so I wanted to make sure others looking at their weight loss program could find mine!”
Join our group sessions! Our pharmacy team hosts group sessions twice a week to talk about the commonly prescribed weight loss medications and how to take them.
Yes, a lot of side effects involving the GI (gastrointestinal) system can be helped with nutritional changes
If you experience any of the following side effects you should been seen in person by a medical professional. These side effects are rare but severe and require medical attention:
Questions? Contact us anytime on the site chat or at
Jill Health is not a pharmacy or a drug manufacturer.
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