
How Long Can You Stay On Ozempic

Written by: Jill Team
Reviewed by: Registered Pharmacist & Doctor of Pharmacy Sarah Bento-De Sousa

For anyone looking for a medication that is going to help manage diabetes or chronic obesity, Ozempic is a drug that may be a great solution. 

But what exactly is Ozempic, and how long are you able to stay on it if you are prescribed it? 

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What Ozempic is and how it works
  • The benefits of Ozempic and results from clinical trials
  • How Ozempic may assist with weight management
  • Side effects to be aware of
  • The recommended dosages of Ozempic
  • Recommendations when taking Ozempic for weight management
  • Answers to all of your questions about how long you should stay on Ozempic
  • Frequently asked questions.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Ozempic?

Ozempic is the brand name for the drug known as semaglutide, though you may also know it by the brand names Wegovy or Rybelsus. The medication was developed by pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk (with the Apis bull logo) in 2012. 

Other diabetes medicines you may be aware of include Mounjaro and Metformin, though these have different active ingredients to Ozempic.

Ozempic is prescribed to those who are suffering from either type 2 diabetes or a combination of chronic obesity and other weight-related conditions, with a BMI of 27 and higher. 

Ozempic is a highly effective drug for blood sugar control, as well as a tool for weight management, especially when paired with a healthy diet and exercise. It has also proven positive effects in helping to prevent major cardiovascular events.

Health Canada has approved Ozempic for use in adults only. It is not approved for use in those with type 1 diabetes.

This is particularly useful in the cases of type-2 diabetes and obesity, as this hormone greatly aids in managing both of these conditions. 

These agonists also encourage production of an insulin release in the pancreas, reduce blood sugar levels, and aids in appetite suppression. It also helps lower your A1C, which is essential for those with type-2 diabetes.

How Does Ozempic Work?

Ozempic, or semaglutide, is in the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist class. What this means is that the drug mimics the GLP-1 hormone, which is the hormone that is typically naturally released in your gut after food consumption, and replicates these effects. 

Doses will vary depending on a number of factors, including if you’re a man or woman, starting weight, lifestyle factors, and more.

Benefits of Ozempic and Clinical Trials

As is the case with any new drug emerging in the pharmaceutical sphere, Ozempic has been subject to many clinical trials with a variety of different focuses. 

The different benefits that Ozempic can provide has been researched extensively in order to determine both how effective the drug is, and also to identify if there are any underlying safety concerns in using this drug. 

That being said, this medication is still relatively new, and therefore extensive research on the long-term effects of this drug has not yet been conducted. 

The clinical trials that have been conducted, however, have been very illuminating when it comes to the potential benefits of Ozempic.

Results of the SUSTAIN 6 Clinical Trial

In a clinical trial that began in 2016 and spanned two years, 3,297 patients with type-2 diabetes were selected and put on either a semaglutide (Ozempic) injection, or a placebo. 

The results of this clinical trial indicated that Ozempic was able to significantly reduce the risk of “the occurrence of a 3-component MACE endpoint consisting of cardiovascular death, non-fatal heart attack, or non-fatal stroke.” 

This trial likely contributed heavily to Ozempic becoming approved as a drug that can be utilized in order to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in patients who have type-2 diabetes and heart disease.

Studies Showing Long-Term Effectiveness of Ozempic

In the previously mentioned trial, we can see that a two-year prescription of Ozempic was successful in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Another two year trial of semaglutide (Ozempic) observed the effectiveness that a weekly semaglutide injection had on the weight loss of participants. At week 104, a weight loss of  ≥20% was observed. 

Both of these clinical trials show significant success when Ozempic is used in the long term in order to manage a number of symptoms. 

While at this stage the longest clinical trials of Ozempic are only around two years long, as time progresses, new research and clinical trial results will become available.

Ozempic’s Role in Weight Loss

Although Ozempic was initially a drug prescribed solely to manage the symptoms of type-2 diabetes, the drug is increasingly being used as an effective tool for weight management. 

It’s especially effective when used alongside lifestyle intervention measures which include implementation of a healthy diet and regular exercise. 

Ozempic is extremely effective in assisting with weight management thanks to its GLP-1 receptor agonist properties, which means it is capable of activating several different pathways that may contribute to positive weight management.

Ozempic Delays Gastric Emptying

Ozempic has been observed to cause a minor delay in gastric emptying, which in turn is able to reduce the rate that glucose appears in circulation. What this means is that the drug ends up causing food to linger in your stomach for longer. 

While delayed gastric emptying can be detrimental to some, for those aiming to lose body mass, this can be a highly effective weight management tool.

Ozempic Reduces Hunger and Appetite

Ozempic may significantly reduce the appetite of those who take the drug, leading to a caloric deficit. 

By mimicking the GLP-1 hormone, Ozempic also mimics the hormone’s ability to reduce hunger and appetite. A reduced appetite may aid those who are prone to binge eating, and can prompt a change in diet and eating habits. 

Together, these may be extremely effective in achieving your weight management goals. 

Ozempic Increases Satiety and Prevents Overeating

Due to the decrease in appetite and hunger that Ozempic often provides, this greatly assists in combating overeating and provides an increased satiety. 

Consistently feeling full and satisfied is a great way to avoid overeating, emotional eating, or mindless snacking. 

These actions and instances of overeating contribute to weight issues much more than people may think, making the effects that Ozempic has on satiety and appetite extremely effective for weight management.

Side Effects and Contraindications of Ozempic

As is the case with almost every other medication, Ozempic comes along with a range of side effects and contraindications. 

Although side effects are common with Ozempic and are not known to be particularly harsh, it is still important to take these side effects seriously and keep an eye on your health and the way that your body responds to the drug. 

If you notice that you are experiencing intense side effects, or if these effects are persisting for an extended amount of time, be sure to contact your medical team.

Common Side Effects of Ozempic

Some common side effects of Ozempic to be prepared for when starting the medication are: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Gas.

These side effects tend to be most common during the initial starting period of the medication, or when changing your dose.

If your body weight mass changes drastically, you may also notice the appearance of loose skin. While this isn’t medically significant, it could cause feelings of insecurity or make you self-conscious.

If you have any concerns regarding the intensity or duration of your side effects, be sure to consult with your medical team.

Rare Side Effects of Ozempic

In rarer cases, Ozempic can cause an allergic reaction that can bring along with it a range of symptoms. These may include:

  • Swelling of the face, hands and feet
  • Swelling of the mouth, tongue and throat
  • Difficulty breathing.

In addition, there are other rarer, more severe side effects of Ozempic to look out for. Some of these include: 

  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Changes in vision (diabetic retinopathy)
  • Kidney damage
  • Thyroid cancer.

These side effects were not commonly reported in clinical trials of the drug, but they are still a risk that come along with taking Ozempic. 

If you believe that you may be experiencing any of these side effects, be sure to discontinue your use of Ozempic immediately and contact your medical team, or go to your local hospital’s ER.

Drug Interactions with Ozempic

Ozempic has a variety of drug interactions, meaning that you may not be able to take this medication in conjunction with other medications or vitamins and supplements. 

This is most common when it comes to other diabetes drugs, which when taken alongside Ozempic, can lead to hypoglycemia. Symptoms of this can include: 

  • Drowsiness
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Headaches. 

Always consult with your medical team before starting a new medication and fully inform them about what other medications or substances that you are taking. That way they will be able to determine if Ozempic is safe for you, or provide you with more information about potential other treatments.

Contraindications for Use with Ozempic

There are several contraindications for Ozempic use, meaning you may not be able to take this drug if you have a certain medical history. 

This medication is contraindicated in those who have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) or those with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2). 

It is extremely important that you do not take Ozempic if you meet this criteria, as it could have dangerous negative impacts on your health if you do so.

Additionally, if you are pregnant, planning on conceiving, or breastfeeding, discuss this with your medical team, as it may impact your use of Ozempic.

Dosage Guidance for Taking Ozempic

If you are prescribed Ozempic, it is common to be started off on a lower dose of the drug, with gradual increases in the dosage over time, depending on how you respond to the medication. This helps to manage the intensity of the side effects and gauge how much medication is the most effective for you. 

Recommended Dosage Guidelines for Adults

Your initial dose of Ozempic will likely be one weekly injection of 0.25 mg for 4 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 0.5 mg once weekly. 

After this point, your medical team will monitor how you are responding to the medication and a decision will be made as to whether you need to increase your dosage further. 

The maximum dosage for Ozempic is an injection of 2 mg once weekly.

Recommended Dosage Guidelines for Children

Currently, there has been no extensive research of the long-term impact of Ozempic on children under 18 years old, and it is not recommended that they take this medication, nor has it been approved for use by Health Canada.

Ozempic Dosing for Weight Loss

Ozempic is a medication that is increasingly being used for the sole purpose of weight management, particularly in those with a BMI of 27 or higher. 

The dosage levels of Ozempic for weight loss are primarily the same as the standard dosage, though this may be altered by your medical team based on a range of different contributing factors. 

Your initial weight, diet, exercise routine, and several other aspects of your lifestyle and health can contribute to what your recommended dosage of Ozempic will be. 

How Long Can You Take Ozempic for Weight Loss?

Ozempic is intended to combat chronic obesity, meaning that this drug is suitable for long-term use. 

If you are concerned about your weight management while taking Ozempic, consult with your medical team.

Duration of Ozempic Treatment

Whether you are taking Ozempic for weight management or for assistance with type-2 diabetes, it is important to know the timeline of your experience with this medication and what dosages you should be taking at what time. 

But how long can you stay on this medication before it is time to call it quits? 

How Long Are You Meant to Stay on Ozempic?

Ozempic is a long-term medication used to treat chronic conditions, and therefore you are able to take the medication indefinitely, though most people remain on it for a fixed period only. 

However, as long as you are responding well to the medication and are not facing any detrimental side effects, you can remain taking Ozempic.

Your medical team will inform you if you should stop taking the medication, and if this is the case, they will alter your dosage to gradually wean you off the drug. 

What Happens When You Go Off Ozempic?

If you are taking Ozempic for weight management and stop taking the medication, it is highly likely that you will regain a portion of your body mass back, especially without ongoing support and lifestyle intervention.

A 2022 study showed that within a year of stopping Ozempic, patients regained two-thirds of all weight that they had lost while taking the medication. This is one reason why it’s often recommended that patients stay on Ozempic indefinitely. 

That being said, if you wish to or need to stop taking the medication, you are not likely to regain all of your previous body mass, especially if you have managed to implement significant changes to your lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

Ozempic has a range of benefits when it comes to assistance with weight management and easing the symptoms of type-2 diabetes.

While you can remain on Ozempic indefinitely, there are a number of side effects that may affect your long-term use of the drug. While taking Ozempic, be sure to continue to communicate and check in with your medical team, so that they can monitor your progress on the drug.

It is important to understand that Ozempic is still a relatively new medication that is still undergoing testing and clinical trials observing its long term effects. Proceed with caution and consult with your medical team before taking this medication.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Ozempic be taken indefinitely?

Yes, Ozempic can be taken indefinitely. The medication is used to treat chronic conditions, and may therefore require long-term use in order to remain effective. 

What are the risks of long-term use of Ozempic?

Some serious but uncommon side effects have been known to occur during long-term use of Ozempic. These include: 

  • Thyroid tumors
  • Vision problems
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Pancreatitis
  • Kidney problems. 

If you believe you are experiencing any of these side effects, discontinue your use of Ozempic immediately and contact your medical team, or go to your local ER.

Are there guidelines for safely discontinuing Ozempic?

If you are discontinuing Ozempic, it will likely be recommended that you gradually decrease your dosage before coming off the medication. Abruptly stopping the medication may lead to issues with glycemic control, putting your health at risk. 

Should you wish to discontinue Ozempic, be sure to discuss the situation with your medical team. They’ll be able to put you on a plan to wean you off the drug in a safe manner.



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Valuable information and resources are available with your Ozempic® DIN.

What is a DIN?
It is easy to find - it’s the 8-digit drug identification number (DIN) printed on the Ozempic® package and pen. It will be on the receipt your pharmacist gave you.

Health Canada regulations require us to confirm your patient status to access more Ozempic information.

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