
Is Vaseline Good for Your Eyelashes? Benefits & Risks 

Written by: Jill Health Team
Reviewed by: Sarah Bento De Sousa, PharmD RpH

Although Vaseline does not grow your  eyelashes,  we’ll  explore how Vaseline can moisturize and enhance them to be fuller. You will also learn this popular household item’s potential risks like clogged pores to keep you informed and careful in the bathroom. 

You’ll also learn how to effectively pair Vaseline with other products, and its use as a simple cosmetic tool. So, grab your Vaseline and let’s explore its benefits and potential risks together!

What is Vaseline?

Vaseline, a brand name for petroleum jelly, is a widely-used skincare product. Composed mainly of petrolatum, this thick, greasy substance has been used for decades to moisturize and protect skin. It serves as an occlusive, forming a protective barrier on the skin’s surface.

This barrier helps to lock in moisture, making Vaseline a popular choice for dry skin, lips, and minor cuts. In the realm of eye care, Vaseline is often considered for its potential benefits to eyelashes and eyelids. Its soothing properties can also provide relief from skin conditions like eczema. 

For those exploring natural alternatives for eyelash growth, aloe vera has been discussed as a potential option.

Is Vaseline Good for Your Eyelashes?

Yes, Vaseline is good for your eyelashes because of its moisturizing and conditioning properties. 

When applied to eyelashes, Vaseline can help to keep them hydrated. This hydration can reduce the brittleness of lashes, potentially decreasing the likelihood of breakage and loss. However, while Vaseline can enhance the appearance and condition of eyelashes, there is no substantial evidence to suggest it directly contributes to increased hair growth or length.

It’s important to note that Vaseline should be applied carefully, avoiding direct contact with the eye to prevent irritation. For those interested in alternative natural remedies, coconut oil is another popular choice for lash care.

Vaseline for Eyelash Growth – Does It Work?

While Vaseline is touted for its ability to moisturize and condition lashes, its role in promoting eyelash growth is not backed by scientific research. The belief that Vaseline aids in eyelash growth may stem from its ability to hydrate and protect the hair, creating a healthier environment for growth.

This can lead to lashes appearing fuller and longer over time, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that Vaseline is stimulating new growth. 

The growth cycle of eyelashes, influenced by genetics and overall health, remains largely unaffected by external applications like Vaseline. For those seeking more definitive eyelash growth treatments, products like Latisse have been medically reviewed and show promise.

Benefits of Using Vaseline on Eyelashes

In this section, we’ll go over the benefits of using Vaseline on eyelashes. Vaseline enhances the lashes’ appearance by making them look thicker and shinier, and its role in retaining moisture to prevent dryness and breakage.

Healthier-Looking Lashes

Applying Vaseline to your eyelashes can make them appear more lustrous and thicker. Its occlusive nature coats each lash, adding a slight sheen that enhances their appearance. This coating also helps to shield the lashes from environmental stressors, potentially leading to healthier-looking lashes over time.

Seals in Moisture

One of the primary benefits of Vaseline is its ability to lock in moisture. When applied to eyelashes, it can prevent them from becoming dry and brittle. This moisture retention is crucial for maintaining the strength and elasticity of lashes, which can reduce breakage and support their natural growth cycle.

Pairs with Other Products

Vaseline can be used in combination with other eyelash products like serums, oils, and mascara. It can act as a base to enhance the effects of these products, or as a top layer to seal in their benefits. However, it’s important to ensure that the combination of products does not irritate the eyes or skin.

Cosmetic Appeal

For those who prefer a minimal makeup look, Vaseline can be a simple alternative to mascara. It gives lashes a natural, glossy look without the clumpiness or heaviness of traditional eye makeup.

Simple Skin Care Routine

Incorporating Vaseline into your eyelash care routine is straightforward and cost-effective. It requires minimal effort and can be done as part of a nightly skincare routine, using tools like a clean mascara wand, cotton swab, or fingertip for application.

Risks and Drawbacks of Using Vaseline on Eyelashes

While Vaseline can offer benefits for eyelashes, there are risks and drawbacks to consider. Its thick consistency may lead to clogged pores around the eyes, potentially causing irritation or styes, and it might not be suitable for those with sensitive eyes or skin.

Can Trap Dirt Against Skin

Vaseline’s thick consistency can be a double-edged sword. While it’s great for sealing in moisture, it can also trap dirt, bacteria, and other impurities against the skin. This can be particularly problematic for the sensitive area around the eyes, increasing the risk of infections or styes.

Not Known to Prevent Wrinkles

Contrary to some beliefs, Vaseline does not have properties that prevent wrinkles around the eyes. Its primary function is to moisturize, not to treat or prevent signs of aging.

Adverse Reactions

While Vaseline is generally safe for most people, some may experience allergic reactions or irritation, especially around the sensitive eye area. It’s important to test it on a small area of skin before applying it to the eyelashes.

Greasiness and Pore Problems

Its greasy nature can lead to discomfort and can also cause blocked pores around the eyelids and under-eye area, potentially leading to skin issues like acne.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, Vaseline cannot directly make your eyelashes longer, but it can be beneficial for eyelash health by providing moisture and protection. However, it’s crucial to be aware of its limitations and potential risks, especially concerning eye health and skin reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can You Sleep with Vaseline on Your Eyelashes?

Yes, you can sleep with Vaseline on your eyelashes, but it’s vital to apply it correctly. Use a small amount and avoid getting it in your eyes to prevent irritation or blurred vision.

Can You Apply Vaseline to Your Eyebrows?

Absolutely, Vaseline can be applied to eyebrows. It acts as a great grooming tool, helping to keep brows in place. It also moisturizes and conditions the hairs, similar to its effects on eyelashes.


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