
How to Thicken Eyebrows: Natural Remedies & Expert Recommendations

Written by: Jill Health Team
Reviewed by: Sarah Bento De Sousa, PharmD RpH

Exploring effective ways to thicken eyebrows? This article will teach you how to use natural remedies and ingredients like coconut oil and aloe vera to help your lashes become thicker. Whether you prefer DIY solutions or professional advice, you’ll find valuable insights to achieve the desired eyebrow thickness.

Today you’ll also understand the reasons behind thinning eyebrows, covering conditions from aging to alopecia areata. Little did you know that fostering eyebrow growth through lifestyle changes, like stress management, and careful grooming practices also contribute to a Cover Girl-like look.

What is Eyebrow Thickening?

Eyebrow thickening involves various techniques and treatments aimed at enhancing the fullness, volume, and density of eyebrow hair. 

This process can range from applying natural remedies to using specific beauty products. The goal is to achieve well-groomed, voluminous, and healthy-looking eyebrows that complement the face. 

Thickening the brows can also involve filling in gaps to create a more defined and lustrous look. This can be particularly beneficial for those who experience thinning or sparse eyebrows due to various reasons.

What Causes Thinning Eyebrows?

Thinning eyebrows can be a result of several factors, including aging, hormonal changes, and nutritional deficiencies. As people age, hair follicles may become weaker, leading to thinner hair. 

Hormonal imbalances or changes, such as those experienced during menopause, can also affect hair growth.

Nutritional deficiencies, especially lack of vitamins and minerals essential for hair health, can contribute to eyebrow thinning.

Why You May Have Eyebrow Hair Loss

Eyebrow hair loss can occur due to conditions like trichotillomania, a disorder characterized by the urge to pull out hair.

Front Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA) is another condition that leads to hair loss, including that of eyebrows. Thyroid diseases can disrupt hair growth, resulting in thinner brows. Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune condition, can also cause patchy hair loss, affecting the eyebrows. 

Understanding the underlying cause is crucial for effective treatment and regrowth.

How to Grow Thicker Eyebrows, According to Experts

Growing thicker eyebrows requires a blend of expert-recommended strategies that focus on overall health and specific eyebrow care. 

We will review stress reduction, a rich diet, and avoiding brow trauma by reducing over-grooming practices. 

Reduce Stress

Stress can have a significant impact on hair health, including eyebrow hair. High stress levels can disrupt the normal growth cycle of hair, leading to thinning or hair loss. Experts recommend managing stress through techniques like meditation, exercise, and adequate sleep to promote healthy hair regrowth.

Incorporate A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet plays a vital role in hair health. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids are essential for nourishing hair follicles and promoting regrowth. 

Nutrients like biotin, vitamin E, and zinc are particularly important for hair growth and strength. For more information on effective hair growth products, you can read about the best hair growth products.

Avoid Brow Trauma

Over-grooming or trauma to the brow area, such as excessive plucking, waxing, threading, or tinting, can damage hair follicles, leading to thinner brows. Experts advise minimizing these practices to allow natural growth and reduce the risk of damage and breakage.

Visit Your Doctor

Consulting a dermatologist or doctor can provide personalized advice and treatment options for eyebrow regrowth. They can diagnose underlying conditions and recommend treatments or supplements to promote hair health. 

For those considering medical treatments, understanding how long products like Latisse take to work is important, which is detailed in this article on how long Latisse takes to work.

Natural Home Remedies for Eyebrow Thickening

Put down the tweezers

Limiting tweezing allows eyebrows to grow naturally, increasing their thickness. Experts recommend grooming eyebrows only when necessary and avoiding over-plucking.

Try a hair growth serum

Hair growth serums, especially those containing peptides and biotin, can stimulate hair follicles, promoting growth and thickness. Regular application can lead to fuller and more defined eyebrows.

Experiment with other home remedies

Home remedies, including oils like castor, coconut, and olive oil, can nourish and strengthen eyebrow hairs. These natural ingredients have properties that promote hair growth and improve hair health.

For example, castor oil is widely acknowledged for its efficacy in eyebrow growth, as detailed in this article about castor oil and eyebrow growth.

Top Natural Ingredients for Eyebrow Growth

Exploring natural ingredients for eyebrow growth can be both effective and safe. Ingredients like castor oil, coconut oil, and olive oil are known for their hair-enhancing properties, offering nourishment and strength to eyebrow hairs. This section delves into various natural substances, from the well-documented benefits of castor oil to the unique properties of fenugreek seeds, each contributing to healthier, fuller brows.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is widely known for its hair growth-promoting properties. Its application to the eyebrows can thicken hair and fill in sparse areas. Its effectiveness in promoting hair growth is well-documented, with further insights available on how castor oil can grow eyebrows.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil provides moisture and nutrients to the hair, making it lustrous and preventing breakage. This oil conditions the hair, ensuring it remains healthy and is less prone to falling out or breaking.

Olive Oil

Olive oil, rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, strengthens hair roots and promotes healthier growth. Regular application can enhance the appearance of eyebrows, making them look fuller and more defined.

Egg Yolk

Egg yolk, being nutrient-rich, nourishes the hair follicles and enhances hair growth. The vitamins and minerals found in egg yolks can improve the overall health of eyebrow hairs.

Onion Juice

Onion juice, when applied to the brows, can stimulate blood flow to the follicles, aiding in regrowth. This unusual remedy can be surprisingly effective for some individuals.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera conditions the brows, providing moisture and nutrients for healthier growth. Its soothing properties also help in maintaining skin health around the brows.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds have properties that stimulate hair growth and can be used as a natural remedy for thicker brows. These seeds are known for their beneficial effects on hair health.

How to Create Thick Eyebrows Using Makeup

Here are your three simple steps to draw the perfect brows for your everyday makeup or fancy dinner night! 

  • Determine Your Eyebrow Shape

Before using makeup, determine the natural shape of your eyebrows. This helps in applying makeup in a way that enhances your natural brow shape, giving a more authentic and defined look.

  • Shape and Fill In Your Eyebrows With a Pencil

Use an eyebrow pencil to shape and fill in any gaps. Choose a color that closely matches your natural brow color. Use light, feathery strokes to mimic the appearance of natural hairs.

  • Coat Your Eyebrows With Eyebrow Mascara

Eyebrow mascara can add volume and depth to your brows. It helps in setting the hair in place and giving a fuller, more polished look.

Key Takeaways

We examined causes of thinning eyebrows, from aging to medical conditions like alopecia areata, and offered practical tips like reducing over-grooming and trying hair growth serums. 

Additionally, we highlighted the effectiveness of ingredients like castor oil and the importance of consulting a dermatologist for personalized advice. 

For makeup enthusiasts, there are also simple steps on creating thicker brows using makeup, ensuring you have all the tools needed for those luscious, fuller eyebrows.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long do eyebrows take to grow back?

The growth rate of eyebrows varies from person to person, but it typically takes several weeks to a few months for eyebrows to fully grow back.

What should I use to fill my eyebrows?

For filling eyebrows, you can use eyebrow pencils, powders, or gels. Choose products that match your eyebrow color and apply them in a way that mimics natural hair for a more natural look.

How to fix bald spots on your eyebrows?

To fix bald spots, regularly apply growth serums, and avoid plucking or waxing the area to allow natural regrowth. Patience is key as it may take some time for the hair to grow back.


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