Overview of Ozempic’s Cost in Canada

If you’ve been considering starting Ozempic, then you may be wondering how much it will cost you in Canada.

Written by: the Jill Health team

In truth, the price may vary depending on your dosage, treatment plan, pharmacy you purchase your prescription from, and whether or not your insurance will cover your treatment.

In this article we’ll run you through:

  • How much Ozempic will cost in Canada
  • Considerations you should keep in mind regarding cost
  • The factors that will affect how much your Canadian Ozempic prescription costs
  • The benefits of a Canadian Ozempic prescription
  • Frequently asked questions.

Pull out the calculator, and let’s dive in!

What Is the Cost of Ozempic in Canada?

While it will vary from person to person, Ozempic prescriptions generally cost between $200–$300 for a monthly supply (or 4 doses). This medication has to be taken continuously to keep working, so the cost will be ongoing, which can add up to quite a lot. 

Types of Ozempic Available in Canada

Ozempic in Canada has been approved for use by those with type 2 diabetes, or for assistance with weight control in those who have a BMI of 27 or higher.

Novo Nordisk, who market Ozempic Pens, also have two other brands of semaglutide. 

These are Wegovy, which may be used to assist with weight management in obese adults, and Rybelsus, which may be used to help improve blood glucose control in type 2 diabetic adults.

No brands of semaglutide in Canada have been approved for use by children.

Ozempic Cost Considerations

While Ozempic medication can be costly, so is living with diabetes and obesity. 

There are, of course, several things to consider regarding the cost of Ozempic in Canada.

Price of Ozempic in Canada Compared to Other Countries

The price of Ozempic in Canada is on the lower end of average, especially when compared to other countries around the globe

It is much higher in the US (around $800 USD a month). Prices are also significantly higher in China (around $700 USD a month), and marginally higher in countries like Germany, South Africa, and the UK (around $250–$400 USD). 

Ozempic is cheaper in Bangladesh ($145 USD) and Turkey ($95 USD), but is less controlled. 

Out of Pocket Cost for Canadian Residents

Coverage of Ozempic currently varies by province. 

In most places, some of the cost will be covered when Ozempic is prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, but not for weight management.

Ozempic has been approved to be carried by all public formularies across Canada, but access to these depends on your eligibility as a beneficiary.

This means it is difficult to estimate out of pocket cost without taking into account the many mitigating factors. 

Potential Discounts for Canadian Residents

There are no known discounts for Canadian residents at this time, though you may find information on various pharmaceutical websites occasionally.

If the cost of Ozempic is an issue for you, keep an eye out for potential discounts or coupons that may be available.

Non-Canadian Residents and Ozempic Cost Canada

Currently, non-Canadian residents may not purchase Ozempic from Canadian pharmacists, thanks to Adrian Dix in British Columbia banning the sale of the drug to those located outside the country. 

This is due to Americans reportedly purchasing Ozempic in large quantities from across the border in both B.C. and Mexico to satisfy demand at a lower cost.

Factors Affecting Ozempic Cost in Canada

Here are a few of the primary factors that affect access to and cost of Ozempic in Canada.

Type of Medical Condition Being Treated

In general, Ozempic is more likely to be covered (or have a greater portion of the medication cost covered) if it is being used to treat type 2 diabetes. This is especially true in instances where other treatment plans have not been effective.

It is unlikely that you will be covered by your insurance if you are taking Ozempic to assist weight management.

Prescription Medication Coverage

If you’ve been prescribed Ozempic by a family doctor, walk-in clinic, Nurse Practitioner, or other member of a medical team, it will only be covered by your insurance if the treatment is for type 2 diabetes. You may also access government assistance in this instance.

If you have specific questions regarding your coverage, you should talk to your medical team or insurance provider. 

Online Pharmacies and Availability in Canada

Canadian residents can procure Ozempic through pharmacies, either online or in person. You will need a prescription to do so. 

Your prescription drugs may then be collected in person, or sent by mail, depending on the particular pharmacy. 

Ozempic is currently available in Canada, and there are no known shortages at this time. 

Benefits of Being Prescribed Ozempic in Canada

While it may still take a few steps to obtain Ozempic, it can be a massively beneficial medication for those who need it.

Effective Treatment for Diabetes and Other Chronic Conditions

Ozmepic has been demonstrated to be an effective way to manage type 2 diabetes, due to its A1C (blood sugar level) lowering effects, as well as weight management benefits (including weight loss).

It has also shown to be effective in improving cardiovascular health. In the long term, this may mean reduced risk for cardiovascular issues, such as heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, or death.

If you’re taking Ozempic to assist with weight management, it’s essential to pair the drug with positive lifestyle changes. This includes implementing a healthy diet and regular exercise into your daily routine.

Not only will this increase the efficacy of the drug, but it will also put you on the path to a healthier lifestyle once your treatment has ceased. Rebounding weight is a problem those who complete a course of Ozempic may experience, so ensure that you have put the building blocks and care in place to prevent this.

If necessary, you may also want to consider including therapy as part of your treatment, to address any underlying reasons why you may have issues with food.

Be sure to talk to your medical team about your full treatment plan, as this will involve more than just medicines.

Ability to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Quickly and Safely

Due to semaglutide’s mechanism as a GLP-1 mimic, it is able to reduce blood glucose by increasing insulin production through the body’s existing systems. 

This means that it quickly and efficiently lowers blood sugar levels while having a decreased risk of hypoglycemia, especially when compared to other treatments, such as self-administered insulin.

Fewer Side Effects Than Other Diabetes Drugs

While Ozempic does still have side-effects (as with any medicine) these may be less compared to other diabetes treatments. For example, some medications may cause weight gain, water retention, and numbness, none of which are common side effects of Ozempic.

However, both prescribers and patients should be aware of the potential side effects and risks associated with semaglutide, and their options. These can be quite severe.

Common side effects may include:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain and issues, including gas, constipation, and diarrhea
  • Fatigue.

More severe side effects may include:

  • Changes in vision
  • Severe allergic reactions to any of the ingredients in Ozempic
  • Kidney damage or failure
  • Pancreatitis
  • Thyroid cancer.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with the more severe side effects listed above, it’s vital that you stop your Ozempic use immediately and contact your medical team, or visit the ER at your local hospital.

Ozempic Cost Canada FAQs

Do I need a prescription for Ozempic in Canada?

Yes, you must have a prescription to obtain Ozempic in Canada. You can get a prescription from your medical team, a Nurse Practitioner, walk-in clinics, telehealth providers, or other medical professionals. 

How much does oral semaglutide cost in Canada?

Oral semaglutide is not available in Canada as it has been found to be less effective in users when compared to injectable semaglutide.

Is Ozempic covered in Canada?

The extent to which Ozempic may be covered in Canada depends on your individual situation and health cover providers. Generally speaking, people with type 2 diabetes will likely be fully covered. However, those using Ozempic for weight management are unlikely to be.


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Valuable information and resources are available with your Ozempic® DIN.

What is a DIN?
It is easy to find - it’s the 8-digit drug identification number (DIN) printed on the Ozempic® package and pen. It will be on the receipt your pharmacist gave you.

Health Canada regulations require us to confirm your patient status to access more Ozempic information.

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